Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bruise Blog

                          Welcome to the Bruise Blog!

 The funny part of this is that these are actual pictures and texts sent between Julie and I.  I will often open a text to find a photo of a bruise, cut, or scrape with a funny little note.  So before I put of our next beautiful project....and I mean beautiful, I hope you will get a laugh about these weekly sometimes daily banters and photos between Julie and I.

I'm adding the Protective Equipment and Clothing Page from the contractors licensing manual as the first photo because I believe no matter how
careful I am I will end up with a bruise somehow, somewhere on my body.   So as much as I believe  in safety first ( I really mean that, Pat) I will end up with some sort of cut or bruise. 

"I'm bleeding already and all I have done is showered and had breakfast. 
How does this happen?"


        "No clue on this one either either."  

(literally sent with in minutes of each other

 "How do you get a bruise on the tip of your big toe? "


"This ones new hit the wall coming out of the shower."

"Tops them all!"
This was the corner of a piece of tile that just dropped.  Julie heard me from inside laugh and say that gonna leave a mark...and it did.


 "Pretty Pedicure, right?"

"Different toe, and polish."

We do beautiful work and have a great time doing it!!!!!!  " These are the most beautifully manicured toes in construction."

 Side note,  the handle of the drill hit me in the hip.  I can't post that picture but it delivered a real kick.....

Photo taken of me putting up Christmas lights.  My neighbor Matt, took from his front window. Posted to Facebook.  Julie made him take it down immediately so I wouldn't "get in trouble" with Pat....I'm not supposed to be on the roof.  But the Christmas light have to get up so what's a girl to do?
By the way no bruises were acquired..this time.  It was a cold rainy day in December, blah.

Next up Julies beautiful new fireplace....